A meeting is led by the Presidium which includes Chairperson (President), Co-chair(Vice-president), Expert and Secretary. The expert is responsible for accuracy of facts, a Secretary provides the session with technical means, while a President and a Vice-president are in charge of the meeting and monitor the observance of the rules.
Firstly, a general speakers' list is opened by Chairs, delegates present their countries' positions (short reports on the government‘s statements on the issue mentioned in the agenda), then a meeting can be held in three modes: formal debate, moderated caucus (led by Chairperson), unmoderated caucus.
Voting is held by raising the plates with the names of the countries (placards). The result of each bodies’ work is a resolution (a final document with the list of measures to be done).
Resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council are mandatory, while others are considered to be recommendations.